Friday, 20 July 2012

Organic Gardening Has Never Been This Easy!

The main reason people decide to go organic when gardening is that they think commercial chemicals, including pesticides and fertilizers, may degrade soil quality, harm the environment and cause long-term damage to their personal health. A lot of techniques for organic gardening actually don't cost a lot of money. Here are some helpful techniques to help you learn to garden organically.

Place trees in locations around your house so they are in the perfect place for shade. Your home will benefit from natural shade and so will your utility bill.
Before planting your favorite perennials, you must first prepare the ground. All you need to do is use a garden spade to slice under the turf, flip it over, then spread wood chips over the area about three to four inches deep. After a few weeks, dig, then plant your perennials.
Just because winter is coming doesn't necessarily mean that it's time to give up your garden. Instead, create an outdoor tent to protect the area. Bean poles are an easy and obvious way to create a frame. Cover them with sheets and hold down the edges with bricks. Building a tent over your organic garden is extremely inexpensive, and it allows you to ensure your crops survive the winter.
Biodiversity is a key element of your organic garden. A larger variety of plants in your garden will attract more wildlife. Adding a variety of plants to your garden will mimic the look of a natural environment. Different varieties can give you a pleasant garden to relax in, while doing good things for the environment.
Use companion plants in your organic garden. Certain varieties of plants can actually help other plants grow when they are planted nearby. Some companion plants have environmental benefits, such as pest reduction or soil enrichment, so that you do not need to use harmful chemicals. Garlic and onion plants, for example, emit a strong odor that some pests find distasteful.
Organic gardening is a relaxing hobby that will give you a great sense of satisfaction. When you grow organic, you will learn much more about the planting and growing process, from A to Z.
It is important to keep the temperature set between 65 and 75 degrees, if you wish to raise plants in the home. The temperature needs to be this warm so they are able to grow. If you want to save money on gas bills in the winter, you can provide local heating for the plants with a heat lamp instead.
You can be a bit more environmentally friendly by doing things like saving rainwater. To collect rainwater, use rain barrels or buckets. This prevents the need to pay for water used in your garden. Rainwater is not only free, but it is abundant, too. The natural beneficial relationship between plants and rainwater is also worth noting.
When chopping and preparing vegetables for your daily meals, take the excess scraps and spread them on your organic garden. Your new plants in the garden will absorb the nutrients from the decaying veggies you have placed there. You may of course still choose to use some of these leftover vegetables for composting, but making immediate use of them is also beneficial.
If you are constantly battling aphids, soapy water could be a great way to combat your issue. You would spray the whole plant, including leaves, stems and buds, with the soapy water solution, then follow this a second time with a spray of just clean water.
Plant ever-bearing strawberries for your children in the organic garden. Children find it fun to pick strawberries and love to assist with the harvest if they get some yummy treats as they work.
Gardening is within everybody's reach, but you will only make the most of your gardening experience with knowledge. Try using these organic tips.

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